Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Mind is Rice Pudding

I would say that my mind is like jello right now, but since I don't like jello and that saying is a bit of a cliche, I have to say that it is more like rice pudding. I'm tired, but I have a lot to do and don't feel like doing any of it. This is of course what I get for talking on the phone to a good friend for over two hours late last night and then being too wired to go to sleep. I did take a nap with Little Scribe today for two hours, which definitely helped. But after I put him to bed tonight I just crashed on the couch.

Of course, now it's hard to relax because someone's car alarm is blaring outside. (I checked, and it isn't mine.) Oh good. It just turned off. Phew!

More reasons why my mind is kind of floating around in creamy lumps of rice and custard-- I just received an email yesterday from another editor who is interested in seeing the rewrite of my middle grade fantasy novel. Yippee! It put me in a Cloud Nine state of happiness for a while. But did Little Scribe and I get to the post office today to send the manuscript out priority mail? Of course not. It is definitely number one on the agenda for tomorrow, though. (Besides picking up Little Scribe's dinosaur Halloween costume that is on hold at The Children's Place in downtown Portland.) Now the novel is being seriously considered by two publishers, which is exciting. But the wait will be excrutiating, considering that these same two publishers had the original, unrevised manuscript for a YEAR before each asked for a rewrite. Ugh!

Okay, I have to print out a new cover letter, do the dishes, wash and fold the laundry, take pictures of our new house addition for my husband (who is out of town in Florida on business), take a shower, and then I can sit and read underneath my cozy down comforter in bed.

Why do I feel like reading my book is sooo far away from being possible right now, especially when it is the number one thing I want to do?

What book am I reading, do you ask? It's called THE SINGER OF ALL SONGS by Kate Constable. I am only on the second chapter, but I have already fallen into the story. I'm intrigued by the main character, Calwyn, and her life behind a high ice wall that guards the sisters of Antaris from the world of Tremaris. It sounds "convent"-like in nature and reminds me of the beguinage that I visited in Bruges, Belgium. I don't know why that kind of life fascinates me, but it does. Maybe it's because a little time by myself right now really sounds tempting!

I really have to get my bum moving. (No matter how achy it is from the progesterone shots I have to take weekly now for Baby Scribe, who is kicking away in my belly as I type.)

You know, what I'd really like to do right now is EAT a bowl of rice pudding with a dollop of whipped cream and a flurry of cinammon on top. Or is that Baby Scribe talking? :-)

P.S. I've also just noticed that this time for the post is incorrect. It was really posted at 10:45pm on Thursday, October 11th. I just had my blog open for that long to remind me to write in it since the date and time posted here. Just in case you were wondering why I am acting like it is late. It's because it is late! (And two days later to boot.)

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