Thursday, November 29, 2007

I Am Not Alone

Just came back from my critique group with renewed energy. What a great group of writers! I am very lucky. What makes me even happier is that just being around them helps me to feel that I am not alone. They are all mom/writers with young kids and are all published. They understand the trials of trying to have a family and a full-time career as a children's writer. I have another close friend who understands this, but lives far away, so I can't see her as much as I would like to. She would benefit from this group, too. I love my other writer friends very much, but it's also nice to be around writers who know what it's like to try and squeeze in a couple of hours of writing two or three times a week between runny noses, diaper changes, messy, toy-infested houses, and husbands wanting quality time. They all have more than one child, too, which is a comfort since it shows me that writing can be done with two children! I'm scared to death of what it will be like to have two and try to write. Well, I will find out soon enough...

1 comment:

Sundee Frazier said...

I'm enjoying reading some of your entries tonight now that Skye's in bed (even though I SHOULD be writing) :) Oh how I wish I could be in your writer's group. I know I would love it and be inspired by it, too!
