Wednesday, January 21, 2009

To Blog or to Write

Haven't blogged for months and months. Now that it's the new year, I guess I might as well try again. The big question for me is, do I write in my blog when I have a spare moment, read, research, or work on one of my novels? Not to mention do laundry, clean the kitchen, clean the house, make dinner, etc? Like right now Little Scribe is laying in his bed, not sleeping, just "resting" for a little bit (probably won't nap since napping is going bye bye and will lay there for about a half an hour) and Baby Scribe won't nap right now since he is off schedule from all of us going to the library story time and the grocery store, so he is crawling around the family room floor playing (Now he is trying to grab my laptop. I figured this isn't a time to work on the novel, but I could blog. So here we are. Whether I ever will again this year I have no idea.

Maybe other Writer Mamas out there that I know should blog on this, too. I know of a new Writer Mama who just had her first baby last week, and I am interested to see how her writing life changes. And I know two other Writer Mamas who are having their second child this year, hence their writing lives will be changing once again! (And just when you thought you finally had a little piece of writing time all carved out for yourself with one child. Ha!)

Baby Scribe is in my arms now screaming. Blog time is over.

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