Monday, February 12, 2007

Early To Bed (In My Dreams!)

Tried to get Little Scribe in bed early tonight so I could work on my novel, to no avail! We started at 7:15pm, and the ordeal didn't end until 9:00pm, after crying it out inbetween, me going back in to change his diaper, and starting all over again. Aaagh! And what am I doing now? Procrastinating, of course.

So often I get really worked up to write, ready to hit those keys right after my son hits the pillow, only to be thrown off by his decision that no, it is not time for bed, Mama. It's time to play with Mama's hair, flip around a hundred times in her arms, and play with Mama's hair some more.

Don't get me wrong... I LOVE cuddling Little Scribe and feeling him play with my hair. But when I am in my writer's mode and feeling antsy to type, it drives me crazy when it takes much longer than I thought.

Ditto all of this for nap time, too. (Although today was a good day on that account. I got two and a half hours of writing time in during nap.)

Can't write a long post tonight. Got to catch up on my missed writing time (As the dirty dinner dishes sit on the counter and in the sink, but that's another topic for a later post...)

Off to the trenches...

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